This Sums Me Up


I’ve been reading through my Calvin and Hobbes books lately and found this perfectly stated comic. Pretty much sums up my goals in life, although we’ll see how far I get. Much thanks to

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Back In Jersey

I never thought I would say these words, but I am glad to be back home in Jersey. Summer class just wasn’t working out for me, it was boring as hell, so I left and came home. I just miss all my friends and family, along with the shore. As annoying as Bennies are during the summer, I love the shore and the sun. Cruising around in my car with the windows open, music blaring, the tinted sun thanks to my Oakleys… nothing like it.

I have job opportunities in NYC right now, so I am looking for apartments in the Brooklyn area which are hopefully not too expensive(read under $1000). I’m looking to split the costs with a roommate and hopefully get a deal for 3 months, so I can just stay up in the city until September 18th, when I leave for Germany. Also as I come away richer from living in NYC, I would love the opportunity to try it.

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Mid-terms were this week and killed all my time. Work, class, work, class, class, study, sleep. It’s repetious, but required. I’ve really come to value “work” and studying, it’s weird. I’m almost becoming a real student!

The best news however, is that I am going to Germany to study abroad at the university Osnabrück from September 2006 to February 2007. I signed all the paperwork last night and made it official, so I’ve quite happy. Going to Germany will be an awesome amazing time, especially with my friend Eric. We are just gonna travel all over, starting with Heidelberg, my former residence for 7 years, then Oktoberfest in October and then who knows. The university is only 3-4 hours from Amsterdam, also Belgium and Denmark. I’m planning on traveling all over, documenting it all and posting here on the website. This was my ultimate goal with the site, so I can’t wait. Now to just find a summer job to fund my travels…

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School Is Keeping Me Quite Busy

I really need to update more but school and work drain all my time and I just find myself busy from when I wake up until I crash. And by crahs, I mean crash, right as I hit my sheets. I get like 7-8 hours of sleep and then just wake up, back to work or school. It wears you down after a while.

On a fun topic though, I spent like 5 hours shooting film with Mike, Pink Sock, over the weekend. He was using some $4000 film camera for taking pictures of people on the street, it was interesting. Lots of bums, lots of crazies. We were just wandering around downtown Rochester, but there was actually alot of material to shoot. Mike let me borrow his D70 plus the standing 18mm – 70mm lens and a UV filter and it AMAZING shooting with the camera. DSLR is where I have to go with my next camera, despite the cost. It gives such a nice shot and I know I can’t get anywhere near that quality a shot from my point and shoot digital. Film would be a cheaper option, but no where near as convenient. I’m honestly not interested in how film works; doing my own development. I just like taking pictures and trying to improve my skills.

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