
I am “graduated” currently, meaning I put on my cap and gown and walked with the graduating class this year, however, I am not yet 100% done with my degree. I have 6 months further in school while I am completing my senior project, a 5-person team project working with a teacher somewhere in RIT. Overall, I’m not sure how to take everything in, being almost done, but still having plenty of time to think about life, being done with college, and where to take my life from here. I have pretty wide open options to work anywhere in the US, an in demand major, and I’m open to anything.

In the 1 week break time between Spring and Fall classes, I managed to roadtrip through NH, MA, NYC, NJ, and PA, visiting my uncle and some friends I hadn’t seen in a bit. From May 24th to June 1st, I did 7 states in about 8 days, traveling about 1200 miles, and costing about $125-150 in gas! Here is my route.

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Specifically, 2 days in Merrimack, NH seeing my uncle. Breakfast in Dover, NH with an old friend of mine doing studies at UNH, then I drove down to NYC. 2 days in NYC with some more old friends and eating plenty of the latest and greatest foods of the town. I actually drove into Manhattan for kicks, such a terrible idea. Driving in Manhattan is such a joy and strain at the same time, you never have anytime to think, just to drive and not get hit! Next to NJ for 1 night, visiting my old high school town of Point Pleasant. I saw my old neighbors for the first time in about 4 years and boy was that a shock! Especially with the little kids I used to babysit, they all grow up so fast. I continued on to Phoenixville, PA for a night on the town with a few friends in the area, then stopped in Harrisburg, PA for another night, to watch ‘Up’ and relax for a bit, before heading back to Rochester in the morning.

Growing up is difficult. I’ve taken and asked for advice from many people much older and wiser than myself and even with their thoughts, I still can’t seem to plan for what the future will bring. I’m reaching a point in my life where there is no set plan at all for anything and it is entirely up to me to decide what I want to do. While somewhat scary, I feel that I have prepared myself well through my time in college and am looking forward to these new challenges. Bring it on!

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