I have been rather sparse in blogging recently due to a number of factors. 80 hour work weeks don’t leave much time for other stuff and I have plenty of other stuff that I am trying to do, from programming more often to exercising, to just being out and about with friends! I also find myself spending more energy on other internet social activites, such as Twitter or Flickr. I view this blog as a place for more thoughful and lengthy pieces, which I can’t seem to find the time for. Both twitter and flickr are quick, easy, and immediate thanks to my Blackberry. I do hope that I find more time and content for this blog.
For the immediate future though, I’m heading to Defconf 16 this weekend in Las Vegas, a well renowned hacker and security convention. I’m also attending Wordcamp 2008 next weekend. At the very least, I should share my thoughts from these events! I’m definitely looking forward to a fun couple of weeks!