I’m just taking a break from studying, 1 final down and 3 to go. They sneak up quick here in Germany, because well, I didn’t really know about this until last week! No, seriously, we held a vote in class last week to hold the final this week or next week and everyone except me chose this week. “Early” finals are not fun.
But they aren’t that hard either. The final I took today was for Foundations of Cognitive Science, a freshman lecture class. A bunch of slides and lectures were all the class was. The final turned into 22 multiple choice questions, with a %50 required to pass. I’m not that worried.
However, tommorow is my German language final! I’m not sure exactly what to study considering I’ve been “studying” German language for the last 5 months I’ve been here, but since I’m not fluent, I obviously haven’t been doing a good job. I’m not too worried for this either, I just have to pay more attention to the grammar and I should be fine.
I just find the German system so different, almost all of your grade comes down to this final test, barely any homework or quizes. Since I am not a very favorable test person, I’m not happy. However, the final week is really spread out over 2 week or more, it’s generally just when your last class takes place. After the final, you are pretty much done, you just have to get your notes from the teacher, assuming you passed. Look for more updates to follow on this fun fun time.