The Rise Of Technology

It’s been interesting to watch how my life has changed since I got my Blackberry. We aren’t talking a major change, but more so how several things are more convenient thanks to it. Having a phone, the Internet, all my contacts, and a calendar connected together is nice. I was even reluctant to have my camera integrated into the device… but as with all technology, cellphone cameras have reached the point where they are passable and I don’t abhor using it…

So on that topic, its interesting to read about how laptops are becoming more pervasive when hanging out with friends and family. Technology is something we are all familiar with, but it shouldn’t necessarily become the focal point of our social lives, removing the normal interaction that we are used to. They bring up a great point of how it’s great to just show someone a funny YouTube video, but they might not react the same way as you. They are being forced to watch under strained circumstances. I’ve been in this situation before and pulling out a laptop in a crowded room just to show off a funny video does loose some of the context, viral videos just don’t seem like a very communal experience to me. The victor writes history and in a situation like this, your own interpretation of the video is what someone could get instead of just watching and then wind up more even more interested. Overall, I totally agree and find the social ties to be worth keeping.

Also connected, I loved read an article describing a “telebrunch”:

  • an intransitive verb meaning “to partake of a relaxing meal with a physically absent friend, communicating with them via the use of a smartphone or similar device”
  • a noun meaning: “a relaxing meal where one or more of the party are not physically present, but are communicated with via the use of a smartphone or similar device”

and I laughed because I’ve been in this situation many times already. Technology is great because I can be connected anywhere and anyplace to any of my friends. Half my friends have moved out to CA and I still talk to them daily, whenever I want, even that happens to be at brunch. Cellphones might have been the first major connection technology, but being able to just chat with someone at your and their convenience is even better. I love where the world is headed!

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