I took break for a bit due to major events, but now I’m back. Things that have occurred in the last month:
- I ended my internship in NYC
- Drove overnight to Pittsburgh from NJ (drowsy driving isn’t fun)
- Got a new car (2003 Saturn Vue with many thanks to my Mom!)
- Came back to school at RIT
- Bought a 20″ iMac and haven’t stopped loving it yet
And that’s the bulk of it. Just extremely busy and I haven’t always had access to a PC or the time to jot my thoughts down. Now things have calmed down and I’m back on a regular schedule, hopefully I can write more.
Other minors things worth mentioning, I love OSX and my iMac. I just get things done much quicker and easier when I want. OSX also lets me use TextMate which an awesome text editing software which I’m currently blogging from. I’m also writing this post using Markdown, a “markdown” for writing text, basically making things easier to write. Seems pretty useful, so I’ll see how it works out.
I’m also especially glad to get back to RIT, to gain access to the gym again. I’ve focused mainly on running for the last 6 months, I was down to a sub 7 minute mile for the first time in my life, along with losing 10-15 pounds during that period, so I was extremely lean but lacking any muscle. It’s been great to just lift and get that rush going again. I’m trying to do a combination of running and lifting, maybe 3 days lifting, 3 days running this quarter. I really enjoy doing both, but it’s hard to balance them. I’m also trying out a new running style, Evolution Running thanks to a dvd my friend lent me. It focuses on running more efficiently through running smarter, hitting toe first, and stuff. I totally love it, but it’s been rough on my body. I couldn’t walk for days after the first time I tried it, it’s tough, but I’m adapting. Cya!