Happy 2008

It’s been 2008 for a few days now, but I’ve been busy. In a look back through 2007, I was really really busy.

Last year this time, I was returning from Poland and heading to Austria for a week of snowboarding. I spent 3 more months in Germany, then returning to spend 6 months in NYC with an internship. I started Fall by returning to school in Rochester, NY and have been there since. I don’t think I can really match that amount of travel this year, but its nice to remember such a great year.

Looking forward to this year, I don’t know what’s in store. I’ve got another 3 months at school, before hopefully spending 6 months at another internship, and then back to school. I don’t think I can graduate in ‘08, but ‘09 is my main goal. No clue where I will travel. I think I will just enjoy what the year brings.

However, I gotta have some resolutions. I can improve myself now, so here goes.

  • Be more independent. I’ve grown too attached to my friends, so much so that I hate doing things alone. I don’t need to attach myself to people.
  • Call more people. I’ve also grown afraid of calling people via phone because making that personal connection is tough. I know I can do it, but I’ve been afraid. I need to make that effort and deal with it.
  • Lose 20 pounds, as always. This winter has been tough, lots of eating. Time to run more and lift in the gym 2x a week.
  • Stop my goddamn procrastinating. I’ve put off posting about this new year. I’ve put off stupid simple stuff because I have been weak minded. No longer can some stuff wait. I need to stop being goddamn lazy. No more.

Happy New Year!


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